Community Impact

Our commitment to service also extends into our communities.

​Since its founding in 2001, Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management and its 17 employees have sponsored many community events and have raised a significant amount of money to be donated to various organizations in Yuma and Imperial Valley. Financial support since 2001 has been well over $250,000.

A few of the larger events are:

Come Wine with Us

As we reflect on this years’ annual “Come Wine with Us” charity event, we want to thank all the community members that attended.  Special thanks to Mayor Doug Nicholls for his continuous support of our local non-profit organizations and for having a soft spot for our all our children in need.  Additionally, thank you to Chef Bob Nidiffer and Melba Wagner for providing the mouthwatering appetizers and sweet treats that paired wonderfully with the wine.

Annual Golf tournament has raised over $20,000 for the AZ Children Association in 2 years.

Teacher of the Year and trip to Hawaii since 2004.

Since 2004, Yuma County coordinates the Annual Teacher of the Year awards. One teacher from over 50 schools in Yuma County is chosen as Teacher of the Year. Among other prizes awarded to the recipient, Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management embellishes the award by providing the winner with a 6-night, 7 day vacation to Hawaii. Congratulations to Crystal Truluck for winning the well-deserved Teacher of the Year award!

Nonprofits that we support:

Each year Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management​ picks a Non-profit agency to support during our Casual for a Cause.  Casual for a Cause is a program started in 2018 where every Friday any employee can pay $5 to dress causal for the day.  At the end of the year all the donations are gathered, and Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management matches 100%.  Please email [email protected] to let us know about your non-profit.

Amberly’s Place

Although 2020 had its difficulties, Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management made the best of it by continuing its annual “Casual for a Cause” fundraiser. Each year the employees of Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management choose a local non-profit as the recipient of their “cause.” The employees pay $5 to dress down each Friday and at the end of the year the company matches the total amount raised. 2020’s chosen non-profit was Amberly’s Place and the employees of Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management were thrilled to present a check for $950.

Front (Left to right) Kayla Irr-Mendez: Director of 1st Impressions/Marketing Coordinator, Diane Umphress, Executive Director-Amberly’s Place, Tom Rush: Founder/Wealth Advisor, Ana Breton: Project Manager, Daniella Vizcarra: Clerical/Intern

Back (Left to right) Evelyn Vizcarra: Administrative Assistant, Heather Parcel: Executive Assistant, Haunani Nelson: Executive Assistant, Joanne Tortolano: Financial Planning Assistant

Angeles del Desierto National Association of Nurses

Shawn McKeown (left), of the Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management, honors Cynthia Renteria (second), of Yuma Regional Medical Center, as 2019 Yuma County Nurse of the Year. Next to them are Gina Botello, representative of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, and Jason Bradley, Arizona Nurses Association representative. Both organizations are accepting nominations of nurses for 2020 honors that will presented in May during the 12th annual Yuma County Nursing Celebration.

AZ Childrens Association

We are pleased to announce that with the community’s help, the event raised $6,000 for the Arizona Children’s Association.

We hope to see everyone again next year as we aim to support another local nonprofit.

AZ Community Foundation

Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management sponsored the 2019 Heart of Yuma, celebrating those who go above and beyond the call to support the Yuma Community. #HeartofYuma

Pictured: Tom Rush – Founder/Wealth Advisor, Tim Avila – Wealth Advisor, George Davis – Managing Partner/Wealth Advisor from Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management and Veronica Shorr, Arizona Community Foundation of Yuma.

Catholic Community Services of Yuma

Every year, stakeholders at Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management choose a local non-profit organization to support. Each Friday our team members may choose to pay $5 to dress casually in jeans and a company polo shirt. At the end of the year, Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management matches the proceeds raised by our team so we can give even more to our very deserving designated non-profit. The Catholic Community Services (CCS)– Domestic Shelter department was the recipient for 2022! Thank you, CCS, for sheltering all those in need.

Crossroads Mission

The Yuma Community Food Bank received a $10,000 donation from funds raised through the second annual City of Yuma Wine Event, which was hosted by local financial planning company Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management.

Shown here, from left: Director of First Impressions with Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management Kayla Irr-Mendez, president and CEO of Yuma Community Food Bank Shara Merten, Tom Rush, Founder/Wealth Advisor (Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management), Valerie Millsom (YCFB) and Eddie Guzman of Fresh Taste Catering, who provided appetizers as a donation for the event.

AZ Western College Scholarship

Caballeros de Yuma

Career and Technical Student Organization

Children’s Museum

Ballet of Yuma



Freedom Library

Knights of Columbus

Humane Society of Yuma

As we reflect on last night’s Annual “Come Wine with Us” charity event, we want to thank all of the community members that attended.  Special thanks to Mayor Doug Nicholls for his continuous support of our local nonprofit organizations and especially for having a soft spot for our furry friends.

It wouldn’t be “Come Wine with Us” without the wine, so a BIG thank you to Deb & Al Benish of Traveling Vineyards who supplied the delectable wine selection.  Additionally, thanks to Chef Bob Nidiffer and Mel for providing the mouthwatering appetizers and sweet treats that paired wonderfully with the wine.

We are pleased to announce that with the community’s help, the event raised $6,740 for the Humane Society Of Yuma.

We hope to see everyone again next year as we aim to support another local nonprofit.

Hospice of Yuma

Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management recently hosted their third annual Come Wine with Us event and donated $8,634 to Hospice of Yuma. Every year, YIG chooses a local nonprofit to help raise funds for their charity. Hospice of Yuma was chosen because of their dedication and commitment to the Yuma community.

In the photo (from left) are Kayla Irr-Mendez, director of First Impressions; Adrian Elder, wealth advisor/partner; John Williams, executive director of Hospice of Yuma; and Tom Rush, principle/wealth advisor of YIG. Loaned photo.

Littlewood Art Co-Op

Investment Group donated to Littlewood Fine Art Co-op.

Miss Yuma County Pageant


Public Safety

Rio Colorado Yuma Chapter Arizona Nurses Association

Shawn McKeown (left), of the Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management, honors Cynthia Renteria (second), of Yuma Regional Medical Center, as 2019 Yuma County Nurse of the Year. Next to them are Gina Botello, representative of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, and Jason Bradley, Arizona Nurses Association representative. Both organizations are accepting nominations of nurses for 2020 honors that will presented in May during the 12th annual Yuma County Nursing Celebration.

Navy League

Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management recently hosted its third annual Golf for Kids charity golf tournament to raise awareness of local youth leadership programs. Golfers from around Yuma County participated in the tournament held at Yuma Golf and Country Club, with proceeds going to local youth leadership programs with a JROTC connection. Assisting YIG was the Navy League of the United States, Yuma Council.

In the photo (from left) are Shawn McKeown, YIG wealth advisor; Dean ‘Doc’ Hager, Yuma Navy League council president; and Tom Rush, YIG founder and wealth advisor.

San Luis Frontera Rotary

School Tuition Association of Arizona

Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management is a local wealth management company that is committed to the Yuma community to help provide educational opportunities. Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management made a contribution to School Tuition Association of Yuma (STAY) to help fund scholarships for low-income children so they can attend a local, private school of their choice, which is an opportunity many low-income children would not have without the support of local businesses.

From left are: ; and Caitlyn Pope, STAY administrator, Tom Rush, Founder/Wealth Advisor; George Davis, Wealth Advisor; Rex Pope, executive director of STAY; Tim Avila, Wealth Advisor; Adrian Elder, Managing Partner/Wealth Advisor

Yuma Community Food Bank

Every year, stakeholders at Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management choose a local non-profit organization to support. Each Friday our team members may choose to pay $5 to dress casually in jeans and a company polo shirt. At the end of the year, Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management matches the proceeds raised by our team so we can give even more to our very deserving designated non-profit.

The Yuma Community Food Bank was the recipient for 2023! Thank you, for feeding all those in need.

Somerton Middle School Wrestling

Our friend and former Yuma colleague, Omar Valtierra represented Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management at Somerton Middle School by presenting a $500 check to the boys wrestling team for future travel costs.

Omar Valtierra is not affiliated with CWM, LLC.

Somerton Rotary

The Yuma Rotary

United Yuma Firefighter’s

Young Life

Yuma Catholic High School

Yuma Catholic Radio

Sea Cadets


Yuma & Imperial Valley Wealth Management went the extra mile during the December Chamber Mixer they hosted by matching all registered participants entrance fees plus the 50/50 and donating the funds to MIKID. MIKID is a local nonprofit organization that offers support, education, and skills development to families and their children as well as young adults who are experiencing mental and behavior challenges. These funds specifically will help supply the kids with jackets and blankets during the cold months.

The charitable entities and/or fundraising described herein are not endorsed by, or affiliated with CWM, LLC or its affiliates. Our philanthropic interests are personal to us and are not reviewed, sponsored, or approved by CWM, LLC.